1. Luxor Luxor and Thebes is the main city of the pharaohs. The names of the most famous pharaohs are associated with Luxor: Ramses, Tutankhamun, Seth, Amenophis, Thutmose, who left here monuments of monumental architecture. Luxor occupies a special place in ancient Egyptian history during the new kingdom, where it was the capital of the

As a result of the fighting, as well as the peaceful joining of individual Egyptian theocrats, two kingdoms were eventually formed: the kingdom of the North, whose divine “ruler” was the falcon – Horus, and the kingdom of the South, which was ruled by the god Seth. The capital of the northern state, ie Lower

Cairo is one of the most thrilling places in the world to approach by air, as the green valley suddenly appears from out of the waste of desert or, at night, with all its myriads of twinkling lights, and the Nile winding gracefully through the city. One of the most remarkable aspects of Cairo from

1. Tomb of Tutankhamun The most famous tomb of the Valley of the Kings – the tomb of Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun, who died at the age of 18, became one of the most famous rulers of Ancient Egypt due to the fact that his tomb was the only royal burial that reached us not plundered. Tutankhamun ascended the throne at the

Mount Moses and the monastery of St. Catherine – a holy place marked by the Bible, is visited by thousands of pilgrims. According to the Bible, here Moses received from God the famous 10 commandments written on tablets of stone. At the foot of the mountain is a monastery, named after the holy martyr Catherine,

In the mountains outside the city of Thebes, numerous small valleys begin, the most famous of which is the Valley of the Kings, or “the valley of the royal tombs of Biban al-Muluyuk.” Once it was a gorge, lost among a pile of rocks. Today, despite the fact that people have paved convenient roads here,

The cave temple of Pharaoh Ramses II in Abu Simbel is one of the most famous monuments of ancient Egyptian culture. Huge, 20 meter high statues of the pharaoh Ramses II, framing the entrance to the temple, today have become the same symbols of Egypt as the pyramids and sphinx. From many covers of guidebooks,

The greatest buildings of the era of the New Kingdom were the temples, or “houses” of the gods, as they were called by the ancient Egyptians. The waters of the Nile divided Ancient Egypt into two parts: eastern and western, into the Kingdom of the Living and the Kingdom of the Dead. On the east bank of

The most famous tomb of the Valley of the Kings – the tomb of Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun, who died at the age of 18, became one of the most famous rulers of Ancient Egypt due to the fact that his tomb was the only royal burial that reached us not plundered. Tutankhamun ascended the throne at the age

The civilization of Egypt is one of the oldest in the world. The prehistoric period ends around 3000 BC, when the ruler of Egypt, Menes, united Lower Egypt (delta) and Upper Egypt (Memphis-Syene) with the capital in Memphis and founded the first dynasty. The history of ancient Egypt is divided into the Old State (circa